Maeng Da Kratom
As a high potency strain, Maeng Da delivers a punch.
It brings many of the pain relieving qualities expected of Kratom, but with a much bigger stimulating boost. However, unlike other stimulants, the energy boost doesn’t come with any jittery, unfocused side effects.
The details
Maeng Da was specifically created as a high potency red kratom strain in the humidity and heat of Indonesia. Similar to Bali Kratom, Maeng Da blends pain relief and energy into one. However, in order to beat the heat in Indonesia, this strain was made to provide a bigger kick in energy than Bali.

the difference
Because of it’s specifically bred for alkaloid properties, Maeng Da takes the normal pain relieving properties of a red strain and adds a nice energetic kick that some reds lack.
the science
Maeng Da Kratom was created using a technique called grafting, where tissues of different plants are joined together to breed different qualities of each plant into a new strain. In an effort to create a strain which maintains pain relief while mitigating sedative effects so it could be used during work in Indonesia, Maeng Da was born.
Am I able to transact large purchases of Mitragynine Spinosa leaves from Mayasia or indonesia. There is much confusion as to the availability of this great tea. I would like to sample and purchase quantities of Maeng Da for resale in my state in the USA where it is legal. I have heard in the kratom community that true Maeng Da is not currently available. Is this true? I have experienced the benefits of this tea and other people in my family with arthritis and mood disorders have been helped tremendously.
now you can buy in thailand.
thnx for this
It does pack a punch so you have to be careful with it. It is my favorite now that I have found the right dose for me and I refuse to take anything else!!!
Perfect for my needs
can it lose potency
i am not sure if i like this or bali better. i have been alternating between the two