Portugal’s drug policy and kratom
Portugal is considered as an example regarding its drug policy, but is it really that progressive? How is the situation of kratom in Portugal?
Portugal is considered as an example regarding its drug policy, but is it really that progressive? How is the situation of kratom in Portugal?
Is kratom legal in Brazil? Find out more about the current situation of the plant in the South American country and its obstacles.
The legal situation of kratom can be a little tricky in some countries but very clear in some others. Have a look at the cases of Italy and United KIngdom.
How is the current situation of kratom in Spain? Is it legal to buy kratom in Spain?
How the Western world refers to kratom It’s no secret that there is plenty of misinformation about kratom around the world. Even though there are no evidences proving any death…
Thailand: the cradle of kratomKratom has been used traditionally among the Thai people for centuries. Like its rural population, Mitragyna speciosa is native to this part of the world and its inhabitants…
Why is kratom illegal in France?
The interests of the Big Pharma are really imposing: why is kratom illegal?
The recent rise of the far-right in Europe For a little more than twenty years now, the far-right has been conquering more and more space in practically every country of…
Kratom and painkillers: the natural medicine for aches and painsAll over our planet, millions of people suffer daily with the most varied types of pain. Many of them cannot stand even…